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From Apple to Raspberry Pi: A MVC Template for Tkinter

appleberryIn this installment I’m going to take a side path from the building of the Popper’s penguins app to clarify something I gave in my last post on Python, Tkinter and Raspberry Pi. In the world of Xcode, both for OS X development and for iOS there is this critical idea called the MVC pattern, or Model View Controller.  Apple describes it this way:

The Model-View-Controller design pattern (MVC) is quite old. Variations of it have been around at least since the early days of Smalltalk. It is a high-level pattern in that it concerns itself with the global architecture of an application and classifies objects according to the general roles they play in an application…Object-oriented programs benefit in several ways by adapting the MVC design pattern for their designs. Many objects in these programs tend to be more reusable and their interfaces tend to be better defined. The programs overall are more adaptable to changing requirements—in other words, they are more easily extensible than programs that are not based on MVC. Moreover, many technologies and architectures in Cocoa—such as bindings, the document architecture, and scriptability—are based on MVC and require that your custom objects play one of the roles defined by MVC.

Apple considers MVC a core competency. However most developers do not need to get too deep into what MVC is, since Xcode does a lot of the work for you. There are three parts of MVC which can be basically described as:

  1. Model: The data you are processing
  2. View: The user interface
  3. Controller: Connects the Model to the View

The big advantage of this pattern is developers do not need to rewrite all of their code when one of the three changes. I had a conversation recently about software validation for medical devices adding user interfaces. For a lot of reasons I won’t go into here, Tkinter would never make it through a software validation process. I might have to buy a validated user interface module or write my own to get a medical device approved for use. If everything that is Tkinter is contained in the view, I only have to change the view, not the entire program.

Moving from Xcode to Python MVC: A Bare Bones Template

IN Xcode, models would be classes which handle data. Views are storyboards or interface builder .xib files. The developer connects up the view and the model in a subclass of UIViewController and handles events happening with the model and the view. Much of this is near automatic in Xcode. In Python, this is not the case. We need to spell out everything. I tried finding one nice template or example on the internet that made sense to me, but had little luck. So, I took what I could find and made up my own:

#2014 May 23  by Steven Lipton
#Controller initializing MVC -- simplest version possible.
from tkinter import *

# A A Model-View-Controller framework for TKinter.
# Model: Data Structure. Controller can send messages to it, and model can respond to message.
# View : User interface elements. Controller can send messages to it. View can call methods from Controller when an event happens.
# Controller: Ties View and Model together. turns UI responses into changes in data and vice versa.

#Controller: Ties View and Model together.
#       --Performs actions based on View events.
#       --Sends messages to Model and View and gets responses
#       --Has Delegates
#       --Controllers may talk to other controllers through delegates

class MyController():
    def __init__(self,parent):
        self.parent = parent
        self.model = MyModel(self)    # initializes the model
        self.view = MyView(self)  #initializes the view

        #initialize properties in view, if any

        #initalize properties in model, if any

#event handlers -- add functions called by command attribute in view
    def someHandelerMethod(self):
#delegates -- add functions called by delegtes in model or view
    def modelDidChangeDelegate(self):

#View : User interface elements.
#       --Controller can send messages to it.
#       --View can call methods from Controller vc when an event happens.
#       --NEVER communicates with Model.
#       --Has setters and getters to communicate with controller

class MyView(Frame):
    def loadView(self):
    def __init__(self,vc):
        #make the view
        self.frame.grid(row = 0,column=0)

        #set the delegate/callback pointer = vc

        #control variables go here. Make getters and setters for them below
        someControlVariable= StringVar()
        someControlVariable = ('nil')

        #load the widgets
    #Getters and setters for the control variables.
    def getSomeControlVariable(self):
    #returns a string of the entry text
        return self.entry_text.get()
    def setSomeControlVariable(self,text):
    #sets the entry text given a string

#Model: Data Structure.
#   --Controller can send messages to it, and model can respond to message.
#   --Uses delegates from vc to send messages to the Controller of internal change
#   --NEVER communicates with View
#   --Has setters and getters to communicate with Controller

class MyModel():
    def __init__(self,vc):
        #set delegate/callback pointer = vc
        #initialize model
        self.myModel = 0

#Delegate goes here. Model would call this on internal change
    def modelDidChange(self):
#Setters and getters for the model
    def getModel(self):
        return self.myModel
    def setList(self,newData)
        self.MyModel = newData
        self.modelDidChange #delegate called on change
#Any internal processing for the model        

def main():
    root = Tk()
    frame = Frame(root )
    root.title('MVC Skeleton')
    app = MyController(root)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This is just a bare bones example, though heavily commented. Run it and it will do nothing. Those who have never used MVC or those not comfortable with it will still not understand what is going on. Therefore let’s make a very simple example application piece by piece to explain what MVC does and how to use the template.

The View: What the User Gets

The view is the user interface. The user pushes buttons, move sliders, enters text and all the other types of things we can do with a user interface. The user also gets feedback on their actions from the user interface. For those following my series, we’ve been exploring Tkinter for a while and should be quite comfortable with it. If you are not you might want to check out my introduction to Tkinter The view is all Tkinter code. If I decide to change to a different UI package or make some of my own in pyGame, I’d do all that in the view.

Let’s take an example of a small app that adds a text entry to a list. Here is what our view would look like:

class MyView(Frame):
    def loadView(self):
        quitButton = Button(self.frame,text = 'Quit', command= = 0,column = 0)
        addButton = Button(self.frame,text = "Add", command = = 0, column = 1)
        entry = Entry(self.frame,textvariable = self.entry_text).grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = EW)
        label = Label(self.frame,textvariable = = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = EW)
    def __init__(self,vc):
        self.frame.grid(row = 0,column=0) = vc
        self.entry_text = StringVar()
        self.label_text = StringVar()
    def getEntry_text(self):
    #returns a string of the entry text
        return self.entry_text.get()
    def setEntry_text(self,text):
    #sets the entry text given a string
    def getLabel_text(self):
    #returns a string of the Label text
        return self.label_text.get()
    def setLabel_text(self,text):
    #sets the label text given a string

The __init__ function in lines 7 though 13 executes first. It initializes several control variables and sets up the frame. The method then calls loadView() which loads out widgets into the frame in lines 2 through 6. All of that is basic Tkinter code.
What isn’t basic Tkinter is line 10. The constructor method gets a parameter vc, and line 10 assigns it to This is a link back to the view controller. A view keeps everything to itself — it encapsulates its data. Neither the model nor the controller can see or change it. A view is not allowed to see or change anything in the model or controller as well. The controller will contain the methods found in our command attributes for our buttons. If we cannot talk to one another, how do we tell the controller to do anything? That is what is for. It is a pointer used only for callbacks to the controller. That is why we have command = in the add button code. It executes a method in the controller.

Lines 16 through 27 create setters and getters. There are values we want to change or use in the view. This will be a message the view controller will send to the view, and the view can responds by doing something, or sending something back. Remember a setter and a getter is a function or message. It is an indirect change of a property. MVC only forbids direct changes. It does not break the MVC model.

The Model:Where the Data Lives

The model and view are similar in may ways. Both have setters and getters to let the controller use information in each class. The difference between the two is how models will react to change compared to views:

class MyModel():
    def __init__(self,vc): = vc
        self.myList = ['duck','duck','goose']
        self.count = 0
#Delegates-- Model would call this on internal change
    def listChanged(self):
#setters and getters
    def getList(self):
        return self.myList
    def initListWithList(self, aList):
        self.myList = aList
    def addToList(self,item):
        myList = self.myList

The code for the model here is quite simple. In the real world we might hookup a database or data structure to the model but for our purposes a simple list will do. In structure, we do almost the same as the view — it is a set of setters and getters. There are different types of processing as well, depending on the model. We might add a method for deletion of a list element . The key to the model is that it needs to notify the controller of a change to the model. In our case, it needs to tell the controller we have added an element to the list. While there are ways to do that more automatically, for our simpler model we will use a delegate. Delegates are another indirect method for getting the controller to react when something changes in the Model(or the View in some cases). Line 7-8 is the delegate method on this side. It calls a method in the controller which does the real work.

The Controller: The Hardworking Middle Class

The third part of MVC is the controller, which sits between the view and the model and coordinates between both of them. A lot of the work of the user interface after the user changing something the controller does.

class MyController():
    def __init__(self,parent):
        self.parent = parent
        self.model = MyModel(self)    # initializes the model
        self.view = MyView(self)  #initializes the view
        #initialize objects in view
        self.view.setEntry_text('Add to Label')
 #event handlers
    def quitButtonPressed(self):
    def addButtonPressed(self):
    def listChangedDelegate(self):
        #model internally chages and needs to signal a change

The controller will take information from both the model and the view and process it accordingly. To start, in lines 4 and 5 we set up the model and the view, and give the pointer back to the view controller as a parameter. We then send messages to the view to set our text in the Entry widget and Label widgets. Lines 10-14 are methods for handling view events. the first for clicking the quit button, and the second for clicking the add button. In the case of the add button, we handle this by sending messages to both the model and the view. In lines 15 – 17, we have the delegate from the model. When there is a change to the model, we use this method to do something about it. In this case, we print our contents out on the console.

This is the basic MVC pattern we will follow. The way I set it up this template would be easy to break, by directly assigning something in the model to the view. This is particularly true in Python where variables are bit more fluid than Objective-C. Programming patterns are not a restriction built into the design, though they can be. Programming patterns like MVC are disciplines of the developers to keep to the pattern. When using MVC with this template, the developer needs discipline to follow the rules set out for MVC.

We had a simple example in this code. In our next installment we will apply MVC to Popper’s Penguin app.

The Whole Code

above I gave the template. Here is the whole example code with comments to see it all in context.

#2014 May 23  by Steven Lipton
#Controller initializing MVC -- simplest version possible.
from tkinter import *

# A A Model-View-Controller framework for TKinter.
# Model: Data Structure. Controller can send messages to it, and model can respond to message.
# View : User interface elements. Controller can send messages to it. View can call methods from Controller when an event happens.
# Controller: Ties View and Model together. turns UI responses into chages in data.

#Controller: Ties View and Model together.
#       --Performs actions based on View events.
#       --Sends messages to Model and View and gets responses
#       --Has Delegates 

class MyController():
    def __init__(self,parent):
        self.parent = parent
        self.model = MyModel(self)    # initializes the model
        self.view = MyView(self)  #initializes the view
        #initialize objects in view
        self.view.setEntry_text('Add to Label') #a non cheat way to do MVC wiht tkinter control variables
 #event handlers
    def quitButtonPressed(self):
    def addButtonPressed(self):
    def listChangedDelegate(self):
        #model internally chages and needs to signal a change

#View : User interface elements.
#       --Controller can send messages to it.
#       --View can call methods from Controller vc when an event happens.
#       --NEVER communicates with Model.
#       --Has setters and getters to communicate with controller

class MyView(Frame):
    def loadView(self):
        quitButton = Button(self.frame,text = 'Quit', command= = 0,column = 0)
        addButton = Button(self.frame,text = "Add", command = = 0, column = 1)
        entry = Entry(self.frame,textvariable = self.entry_text).grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = EW)
        label = Label(self.frame,textvariable = self.label_text).grid(row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 3, sticky = EW)
    def __init__(self,vc):
        self.frame.grid(row = 0,column=0) = vc
        self.entry_text = StringVar()
        self.label_text = StringVar()
    def getEntry_text(self):
    #returns a string of the entry text
        return self.entry_text.get()
    def setEntry_text(self,text):
    #sets the entry text given a string
    def getLabel_text(self):
    #returns a string of the Label text
        return self.label_text.get()
    def setLabel_text(self,text):
    #sets the label text given a string

#Model: Data Structure.
#   --Controller can send messages to it, and model can respond to message.
#   --Uses delegates from vc to send messages to the Controll of internal change
#   --NEVER communicates with View
#   --Has setters and getters to communicate with Controller

class MyModel():
    def __init__(self,vc): = vc
        self.myList = ['duck','duck','goose']
        self.count = 0
#Delegates-- Model would call this on internal change
    def listChanged(self):
#setters and getters
    def getList(self):
        return self.myList
    def initListWithList(self, aList):
        self.myList = aList
    def addToList(self,item):
        myList = self.myList

def main():
    root = Tk()
    frame = Frame(root,bg='#0555ff' )
    root.title('Hello Penguins')
    app = MyController(root)

if __name__ == '__main__':

13 responses to “From Apple to Raspberry Pi: A MVC Template for Tkinter”

  1. […] gave a template for MVC in the last post, This time I’m going to use it in the Popper’s Penguins application. We’ll […]

  2. Thank you for brilliant explanation!

    fix a typo: def getLabel_text() to def getLabel_text(self)

  3. Great!

    Please fix a typo: def getLabel_text() to def getLabel_text(self)

    1. thanks! good catch!! I’ll change it now — it looks like its wrong in several places.

    2. Fixed. Thanks again for catching that and telling me.

  4. is it a typo? “The key to the model is that it needs to notify the model…” model notifies model?

    1. More than a typo. But yes a mistake. That sentence and the one after it should read:
      “The key to the model is that it needs to notify the controller of a change to the model. In our case, it needs to tell the controller we have added an element to the list. While there are ways to do that more automatically, for our simpler model we will use a delegate. ”

      corrected. Thank you.

  5. I was wondering if you could increase the size of the code window. On Safari I have to do a lot of scrolling to see an entire line. Maybe a resize control would help. Thank you.

    1. In this version of wordpress, I do not have control of the code window size.

  6. In other implementations of MVC I read that the model and view should only know about themselves and the controller know about both.

    1. That is true — and ideal. However…. Apple made a few contractions to things and the UIViewController is a bit more complicated than that, with the view an intrinsic property view of the controller. Since this was for getting iOS developers to understand Python, I followed more along the Apple version.

  7. So many years on, this was the easiest to follow example I came across. Thank you.

    1. Wow! I’m amazed you found this, considering I wrote it almost 10 years ago. you are welcome.

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